Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pondy Logue - I


Had it in the back of my mind to visit Pondy once again for quite sometime. So when JD asked one friday night, we'll go to Pondy? I said no problem sure. I also want to test the limits of JDs new Alto. Safely ofcourse J surely after my recent altercation I thought to myself.


So we went back home, packed for the weekend, googled the route, contemplated deeply, burned some travel music set our alarms for 4 am and hit the bed.


4 am. I am up. I make some coffee and milk. JD's still snoozing, I contemplate deeply. I go over pull off his blanket and shake his bed for 5 mins. He's up too. We finish the coffee; morning rituals get dressed and get down to his car to get going.


We notice the dust covered mess that is his car, contemplated deeply and decide to wash the windows alone. After the wash, were in and I start checking the stereo everything's in order. We're off on this fine Saturday morn.
The route we decided on was fairly simple courtesy google maps. The road was supremely serene between 7 -8 am for some reason and very beautiful. Of course JD and I fought over the music I threatened I would crash his car and he threatened he would scream. Fairly subdued and after deep contemplation we reached a compromise.


Got upto a max of 115 km/hr in his car beyond that I didn't feel comfortable to push.


Reached pondy about 9:10 am. Then JD decided there was a beach before Pondy a particularly beautiful one that too. So we roamed around 20 mins trying to find this 'beach' without success I cursed him he cursed me right back. We got back on the road.
Quarter of an hour later we reached the actual Pondy beach. The one with all the boulders you are not allowed to cross. We contemplated deeply and jumped up and down there for some time.


JD cried his hunger cry. Man, this guy can eat a lot. We drove to a tiny restaurant, saw the menu exclaimed the price is not at all tiny, contemplated deeply decided will eat all we can this weekend no worry about moolah.


I had honey chocolate pancakes and chocolate milk, JD ordered some sophisticated tea and sandwiches and sat back all smug. They brought back some weak kinda tea like looking hot water for him, I didn't laugh at his face right away I waited till the waiter left, I have standards. We ordered again to compensate. Paid the bill, got out, noticed a nearby wine shop.


Got back on the beach. Jumped up and down. Contemplated deeply and decided to go to the boat house island beach combo location. Drove down there. JD cried his sleepy cry so we slept in the car for sometime. Some loud giggly girls woke me up. I contemplated deeply, shaked the car for 5 mins and JD woke up.
Took out my camera and got out. JD cried his excited cry and I sighed and handed over the camera struck one of my portfolio poses. He took a snap.


Then I took a snap before JD struck his portfolio pose.


Took the tickets to go see the island beach and waited. Boat came and off we went. Started contemplating deeply and JD took s snap and I cursed him and he cursed me right back.



Got to the beach, there were a whole bunch of people. Families, college stragglers, travel groups, young couples, loners. So sat down and started scouting for talent (by that I mean ogling) JD pretend as if he is not. I laughed at him and he agreed he is too. After some particularly deep contemplation we found some winners and then lost interest. JD cried his excited cry and started onto the water and I declined diplomatically. Started noticing a family; husband, wife and three little girls. I have to say the girls were very captivating with their antics. They'd jump in, squealed, jump out and sat shivering even though the sun was scorching. Took a snap of them.



Found a quite place sat down chewed the fat a little, scared away some kids and off we went.


Had enough and got on the back on the boat to mainland happily. Until I noticed the stone drunk uncle beside me. He was part of a touring family and suddenly everybody started laughing for no reason. Then as if to earn the attention uncle started to sing a tamil kuthu paatu. Was the funniest thing, tried not to laugh put on my contemplating deeply face, JD laughed. Until the boat started to rock from all the movement. JD went tense. I thought, hah I can float without sinking as long as I want. Then he coaxed the boat driver do some extra rounds and some extra rocking motions. Was quite fun actually. Reached solid ground finally. JD cried his hungry cry, off we went to the resort eatery. Had some delicious lunch and wine.
Went back to the main beach where there was an exquisite snack shop right at the end of the beach. Had a chocolate mocha, sandwiches, mousse etc etc. Went to the earlier noted Wine shop. Got some wine a Red brand called Port wine. Got a room, drunk some wine JD cried his sleepy cry and we went to sleep.


End of Day 1