Monday, July 18, 2016

Blood Of Mine.

Nobody will ever love me like my mother loves me; so unconditionally, from a place of such depth & purity.

I’ll never have a friend so dedicated.

The best woman I find will not love me even a fraction of how much she loves me. Nobody will ever sacrifice their happiness for me even remotely to how much she has for me.

The best meal I’ve ever had was on a random Saturday morning when I and she cooked together a batch of Idly & Sambhar. It was the most beautiful meal I’ve ever had because I know how much love has gone into the littlest detail of that meal.

I’ve always tried to make sure she knows how much I appreciate her, but it’ll never be enough.

No-one will ever have my back as my brothers do. When people in the periphery of my life ask weird questions like do you need me there, are you okay? My brothers are actually there in front of me making sure I’m surviving this. They drop whatever they are doing and come stand in front of me and do what needs to be done. Thousands of kilometers mean nothing.

Just like I’ve dropped everything I’m doing countless times just to be there for them. I wish everybody had brothers like I have. There simply is no substitute.

I wish I had some more time to spend with my father; he was the best of us. I wish I had some more time with him.

People I really trust are so rare, just really three people. Hope I get to expand that number one day.

And to think one day I have to say good bye to some of them or they have to say good bye to me scares the life out of me. One day it'll happen, how do you prepare for that??

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