Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fast Times at the School of Life.

Lessons to remember, 

  • Happiness is a choice, the toughest one there is.
  • The language of  two people is never the same. The same word has two different meanings, just like Poha in desi vs portuguese :)
  • Your apprehensions & indecisiveness stems from when somebody decided not to be a whole person with you. The fear that every little disappointment will turn in to irreconcilable differences is because somebody at some point in time chose not to keep a promise to you. Understand it, accept it & rise above it. But never course correct in a way that closes your heart to the goodness outside of you.
  • Never be so afraid to fail, that you don't have the courage to start. Never be so afraid that you cant feel your truth.
  • Tragedy either brings people closer or separates them, it's good to know what happens upfront. So tragedy, thank you for showing up early to the party, for all other intents and purposes fuck off.
  • When the universe 'speaks' you hear what you want it to tell you. So its really you telling yourself, the universe is just going about its business.
  • Never be angry at someone for having spine, at the same time never let anybody treat you with disrespect.
  • Forgive, start with yourself.
  • Cherish your time together not matter how it ended, its a beautiful thing when two people try to make it. Not everybody is for everybody.
  • Thank god you have learned to move on.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Blood Of Mine.

Nobody will ever love me like my mother loves me; so unconditionally, from a place of such depth & purity.

I’ll never have a friend so dedicated.

The best woman I find will not love me even a fraction of how much she loves me. Nobody will ever sacrifice their happiness for me even remotely to how much she has for me.

The best meal I’ve ever had was on a random Saturday morning when I and she cooked together a batch of Idly & Sambhar. It was the most beautiful meal I’ve ever had because I know how much love has gone into the littlest detail of that meal.

I’ve always tried to make sure she knows how much I appreciate her, but it’ll never be enough.

No-one will ever have my back as my brothers do. When people in the periphery of my life ask weird questions like do you need me there, are you okay? My brothers are actually there in front of me making sure I’m surviving this. They drop whatever they are doing and come stand in front of me and do what needs to be done. Thousands of kilometers mean nothing.

Just like I’ve dropped everything I’m doing countless times just to be there for them. I wish everybody had brothers like I have. There simply is no substitute.

I wish I had some more time to spend with my father; he was the best of us. I wish I had some more time with him.

People I really trust are so rare, just really three people. Hope I get to expand that number one day.

And to think one day I have to say good bye to some of them or they have to say good bye to me scares the life out of me. One day it'll happen, how do you prepare for that??

Saturday, August 3, 2013



Have you noticed that when you are deeply involved in something, you start seeing it all around you?

Well I have, its my disease. At least one of the many..

When I'm thrown into something deep enough and long enough, I start drawing parallels with the world outside with my work. My work involves coding, lots and lots of coding. If you have worked hours as long as I have and have tried to make sense out of as much gibberish as I have then you'll surely be able to comprehend easily what I am talking about.

I have talked to, dreamed about, eaten, spit out, killed, birthed, begged I mean BEGGED, slept with, fell in love with, screamed at, cried over, laughed with, wrestled, kissed, reasoned with, cursed at, played hide and seek with, driven with and even proposed to Java.

As time passed on like this I try to write life in code. Conjuring up a program that would launch my life on running the main() method. Sometimes I even compare God to a coder, a very efficient coder I am sure; maintaining an enormous project by himself or herself I don’t know. I think of how life and civilizations are basically written in while or for loops and all human choices probably listed down in extremely long IF-ELSE IF control statements.

Let’s just say these hallucinations are stuff that kept me relatively sane. I won’t lie, it is my doing more than anybody else’s to has landed me in this soup, don’t mistake me I am not complaining far from it actually. As I was saying, the stuff that goes on in my head to keep it from sinking can be labeled somewhere very close to insanity I am sure.

Then of course there are the moments when I think I can’t take it anymore and start breaking down, and then I always look into my past to keep me going.

I was around 19 when I realized that anything is possible in the world, that if I put honest effort and myself completely into something then it can be done, come whatever may. This realization as most of you would have guessed was not from a book or even from my family people who have taught me almost everything I know; it came to me while I was doing CODING. Imagine that.

One thing I knew from long ago was that I am not exceptionally bright. So when my class was given an assignment to do in college I was apprehensive and tentative. It sounded like a lot of gibberish to me, alien even. Everyone around me was copying from someone else and frankly I was tired of xeroxing someone else's work. It was OK in the beginning and all but as I did it again and again and again it felt not right. Excuse me, I am not defacing Xeroxing assignments by any means, no way, they are what got me my graduate degree. But still it didn't feel right that day. For some inexplicable cause I started to do it myself.

Got fed up in a day was putting it in a mild way, but for an even more mysterious reason I didn't give up and strangely started losing sleep on something for the first time in my life. Each time I solved a problem, ten new problems cropped up but I kept at it day after day. Magically each problem got its solution in its due time but not before taking a good chunk of sleep and social contact out of me.

Finally after a lot of swearing and red in my eyes the work got over. It was an original piece of work done by me and I knew it worked and it felt great. It didn't hit me immediately that I have learnt something from that experience, there was a change in me that came over without my knowledge, well at-least in the bud. I started taking up more challenges mostly failing but some precious ones who captured my attention strong enough were never left unfinished.

Then one day a classmate of mine came to me and described me a really tough project and posed me a question, Would I like to join him to do it as our project. Guess what my answer was

"Sure I'll do it. Anything's possible, let's try."

I meant it too. After getting home it got me thinking, realizing a year ago my answer would have been a nervous apology for my ignorance and pointing out someone better than me.

The train of thought finally found the source of my transformation, what the first thing I actually 'did' did to me. All abstractions flew in soon. That there was nothing magical about the solutions that came to me in those days, they were the children of the hunger to do something and the hard work that followed.

You see, that day when I decided to do something against all odds with no historic or empirical evidence that I will succeed and I was as clueless as I could ever be, there can never be a time when I will be more doubtful and yet I came through.

Without any apparent reason it gave me the will to live and taught me not to be afraid.
Even today I love that CPP program.

For All The InBetweeners.

What makes you stay in the today, the false romance of yesterday or the false promise of tomorrow? Because today is never really today.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

12 Step Programme To Misery.

The original twelve steps:

1: You decide that you are going to get over the hurt and the pain and the shame and survive as you have done always.

2: You learn about yourself that once you have really committed to something you are not the kind that can let it go no matter how much you try.

3: You learn that there are always more songs, movies & books on sadness than on happiness they just don't make it to the main stream.

4: You can lose a life's worth of fitness in a year's worth of depression.

5: You learn sleep loss is mandatory and it is directly proportional to hair loss. That doesn't mean you are awake when you are not sleeping.

6: Your personal hygiene goes away very fast. Its pretty gross.

7: You as a child have known tears of sadness and happiness. You learn a new kind. You learn death doesn't only mean the stopping of one's heart.

8: You learn its the goodness in you the empathy the kindness the loyalty that makes you the saddest. Its totally moronic yet utterly true. You are just defective.

9: You start the withholding of yourself and boxes to hide your mind from the world are made. This process is extremely painful if you are somebody who used to give life everything you had.

10: You begin building vaults of many kinds 12 x 10 ft ones, 15.6' ones, 63 hp ones, 0 mm2 ones. There are so many it just doesn't really matter. The human mind is wonderful that way.

11: Your own rationality goes away. There comes a point when every failure every sadness every shame in the world is your own and you are punishable.

12: You know in your heart of hearts that the only way to get past this is to let in people you love and respect, but you cant you just fucking cant. You cant believe you are the kind to deserve such a kindness.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wise Words From Annie, Ted & Megan.

Pierce: You backed the wrong horse, I've got nothin.

Annie: Pierce you are musical, you are creative, you can do this. I believe in you.

Pierce: Well you shouldn't, I quit.

Annie: You listen up, Pierce! I'm gonna tell you what my mother told me when I wanted to quit cheerleading. 'You're not very pretty, you have no boobs, and you can't do a basket toss to save your life.'

But you made a commitment.

So pick up your pompoms, Pierce, stuff your bra, and get ready for the team bus to forget you at a Taco Bell, because life is tough. But we soldier on, and that's just the way it goes.

Ted: "That was the year I got left at the altar, it was the year I got knocked out by a crazed bartender, the year I got fired, the year I got beat up by a goat, a girl goat at that, and damn it if it wasn't the best year of my life. Because if any one of those things hadn't happened, I never would've ended up in what turned out to be the best job I ever had. But more importantly, I wouldn't have met your mother. Because as you know, she was in that class. Of course, that story is just beginning."


Megan: I think you're ready now to hear a little story about a girl...girl named Megan. Girl named Megan that didn't have a very good time in high school. I'm referring to myself. When I say Megan, it's me Megan.
Annie: Yeah, I got it.
Megan: I know you look at me now and think, boy she must have breezed through high school. Not the case, Annie.
Megan: No, this was not easy going up and down the halls. Okay? They used to try to blow me up. They threw fire crackers at my head. Fire crackers. I mean literally. I'm not saying that figuratively. I got fire crackers thrown at my head. They called me a freak. Do you think I let that break me? Think I went home to my mommy crying; 'Oh, I don't have any friends. Oh, Megan doesn't have any friends.' No, I did not. You know what I did? I pulled myself up. I studied really hard. I read every book in the library and now I work for the government. I have the highest possible security clearance. Don't repeat that!
Annie: I won't.
Megan: I can't protect you. I know where all the nukes are and I know the codes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Color Me Beige.

All brains and no heart is a bag of tricks.

All heart and no brains is a bull in a bull fight.

Wish I knew how to be in between.